Fiendish Ogre (Demon Possessed – Quasit) | CR 4 |
demon possessed (Advanced Bestiary pg.53)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3; +2 resistance vs. poison
Speed 40 ft.
Melee large battle axe +8 (1d10+6)
Ranged javelin +3 (1d8+5) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Skills Climb +7, Perception +5; +2 profane to Stealth
Languages Giant
Environment temperate or cold hills
Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–4), or family (5–16)
Treasure standard (Chain Shirt, large wooden shield. +1 battle axe, 4 javelins, potion of cure medium wounds.)
Spell Vulnerability (Ex): Certain powerful spells have special additional effects against demon-possessed creatures. These spells must first overcome the demon’s spell resistance (if any) to have any effect A demon-possessed creature subjected to a dispel chaos or dispel evil spell must succeed on a Will saving throw or lose all the modifications bestowed by the demon-possessed creature template for a number of rounds equal to the opponent’s caster level. The demon is immediately ejected from the possessed creature’s body and appears in the nearest open square. A demon-possessed creature subjected to a banishment spell must succeed on a Will saving throw or lose the template until again possessed by a demon. Failure returns the demon to its home plane, as noted in the spell description. An antimagic field or any antimagic effect suppresses all the effects of the demon-possessed creature template. It also prevents the demon from communicating with the possessed creature, using its perceptions, and exiting its body (unless it dies) for as long as the demon-possessed creature remains in the antimagic area. In addition, particular spells can affect the weaker demon kinds, as noted on the following table. In each case, when the spell indicated for that demon (or any demon of higher CR on the table) targets the demon-possessed creature, the demon is expelled as described for dismissal (above), assuming that the creature fails any associated saving throw and the spell penetrates the demon’s spell resistance. Spells cast by the possessed creature do not have this effect. Quasit possessed demons are vulnerable to Protection from evil/chaos
This ogre has been possessed by a quasit demon for quite some time, allowing it to become the leader of his family. The demon quite enjoys possessing the brutal ogre, as the ogre has greater strength than the quasit, and an mind as evil as its own. The quasit gets to nudge the ogre where it wants, and whispers things in its ears, thus the better armor that this particular ogre wears. The ogre particularly enjoys that the quasit can show it where magic items are.
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